Andrew Aikawa

Andrew Aikawa

Currently self-employed. Former machine learning engineer at Hive AI working on computer vision/object detection and text-to-image generative diffusion models. Former Physics PhD from UC Berkeley, advised by Michael F. Crommie. In my spare time, I volunteered at the Open Computing Facility and East Asian Union. Interests: Olympic Lifting, Judo, Kendamas, OW, SSB:M, CS:GO, Souls, Halo, pottery.




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CS 285: Meta-Learning to Play Sonic the Hedgehog

CS 280: Computer Vision in Broadcast Sports

CS284A: Black Hole Ray Tracer

Data Science 200: Predicting Restaurant Closure from Yelp Reviews

CS289A: Classification of Visual Stimuli from Neuronal Activation

CS194 Final: Light Field Cams & High Dynamic Range